Contamination Assessments/Site Assessment Reports are usually performed on sites that have been impacted by a range of contaminants including: petroleum products, hazardous waste, pesticides, PCBs or metals.

Contamination Assessments/Site Assessment Reports

What is a Contamination Assessment?
A Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) is a document that summarizes the results of an environmental assessment or investigation of a property where contamination is suspected or confirmed. The report is typically prepared by an environmental consultant or engineering firm, and it provides a detailed assessment of the nature and extent of contamination on the property.
A CAR typically includes information on the history of the property, a summary of the environmental assessment process, and the results of any sampling or testing conducted on the property. The report may also include an evaluation of the potential risks associated with the contamination and recommendations for remediation or cleanup.
The purpose of a CAR is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the environmental condition of the property and to assess the potential risks associated with any contamination identified on the property. The report is often required by regulatory agencies or lenders before a property transaction can be completed.
The scope and level of detail of a CAR can vary depending on the nature and extent of the contamination and the specific requirements of the regulatory agency or lender. However, a typical CAR will include detailed information on the assessment process and the results of the investigation, along with a summary of the potential risks associated with the contamination and recommendations for addressing those risks.
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