Phase II ESAs are usually performed after a Phase I ESA has identified an on-site or off-site Recognized Environmental Concern. The Phase II ESA may simply consist of surficial soil sampling and screening with an organic vapor analyzer, or it may consist of a comprehensive assessment involving monitoring well installation, soil and/or groundwater sampling and analysis, and/or groundwater elevation surveys. On more complicated sites, a Phase II ESA may involve employing a geophysical survey to locate buried waste or underground storage tanks (USTs). A Phase II ESA report typically includes a site plan, a description of procedures, a summary of the test results, and conclusions and recommendations.

Phase II
Environmental Site Assessments

What is Limited Phase II – Environmental Site Assessments?
A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a follow-up investigation that is conducted if potential environmental liabilities are identified during a Phase I ESA. The purpose of a Phase II ESA is to confirm or rule out the presence of contamination on the property and to evaluate the extent and severity of any environmental concerns identified during the Phase I ESA.
A Phase II ESA typically involves collecting and analyzing soil, groundwater, and/or surface water samples to determine if contamination is present and, if so, the extent and severity of the contamination. The assessment may also include the installation of monitoring wells or other sampling devices to monitor the extent of contamination over time.
The goal of the Phase II ESA is to provide more detailed information about the nature and extent of any environmental liabilities associated with the property. The results of the Phase II ESA are typically summarized in a report that provides recommendations for further investigation or remediation if necessary.
The scope and level of detail of a Phase II ESA can vary depending on the nature and extent of the environmental concerns identified during the Phase I ESA. The assessment may be conducted in accordance with industry standards such as ASTM E1903-27 or state-specific regulations.
Overall, a Phase II ESA is a critical step in evaluating and mitigating potential environmental liabilities associated with a property, and it is often required by lenders and regulatory agencies before property transactions can be completed.
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