LandScience is capable of performing a variety of Remedial Technology Feasibility Studies (RTFS). The purpose of performing an RTFS is to help evaluate the effectiveness of a particular remedial technology in achieving site-specific contamination restoration goals.

Remedial Technology Feasibility Studies

What is a Remedial Technology Feasibility Study?
A Remedial Technology Feasibility Study (RTFS) is an evaluation conducted to assess and compare the effectiveness and feasibility of different remedial technologies for addressing contamination at a particular site. The purpose of an RTFS is to identify and evaluate a range of remedial options and to select the most appropriate remedial approach based on technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and environmental effectiveness.
An RTFS typically includes an evaluation of the site’s geology, hydrology, and chemistry, as well as an assessment of the nature and extent of the contamination. The study may also include an evaluation of the effectiveness and feasibility of different remedial technologies, such as excavation, chemical treatment, or in situ remediation, and an analysis of the potential risks and benefits associated with each option.
The goal of an RTFS is to identify the most effective and feasible remedial approach for addressing contamination at the site. The study may also include a detailed evaluation of the costs associated with each remedial option, as well as an assessment of the potential risks and benefits associated with each option.
The scope and level of detail of an RTFS can vary depending on the nature and extent of the contamination, the specific requirements of regulatory agencies, and the goals of the study. However, a typical RTFS will include a detailed evaluation of the site and the contamination, an analysis of different remedial technologies, and a recommendation for the most appropriate remedial approach based on technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and environmental effectiveness.
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