LandScience is experienced in performing routine monitoring and sampling of soil and groundwater at sites under investigation, remediation, or at facilities where long-term monitoring is required.

Sampling and Monitoring

What is Sampling and Monitoring?
Sampling and monitoring are two important activities in environmental assessment and remediation. Sampling involves the collection of environmental samples, such as soil, groundwater, surface water, and air, for laboratory analysis. The purpose of sampling is to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and to determine the effectiveness of remedial actions.
Monitoring involves the ongoing measurement and evaluation of environmental conditions, such as groundwater levels, soil vapor concentrations, or air quality. The purpose of monitoring is to track changes in environmental conditions over time and to ensure that remedial actions are effective in addressing contamination.
Both sampling and monitoring are typically conducted in accordance with established protocols and procedures to ensure that the data collected is accurate and reliable. The results of sampling and monitoring activities are used to make informed decisions about the best approach for remediation and to evaluate the effectiveness of remedial actions over time.
Sampling and monitoring can be conducted at different stages of an environmental assessment and remediation project, such as during a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, a Remedial Technology Feasibility Study, or a Remedial Action Plan. The frequency and duration of sampling and monitoring activities can vary depending on the nature and extent of contamination, the specific requirements of regulatory agencies, and the goals of the project.
In summary, sampling and monitoring are critical components of environmental assessment and remediation projects, providing the data necessary to make informed decisions about remedial actions and to evaluate the effectiveness of those actions over time.
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